
UPDATE : YES-THERE ARE 2 "THE's" IN THE PASSAGE .MOST PEOPLE MISS OUT THE OBVIOUS REDUNDANCY OF THE INFORMATION. This means ,when you are reading , the brain processes short, familiar words as a whole and decodes longer words letter-by-letter.But when you read longer sentences,the brain processes a familiar group of words as a single phrase.The brain stores small words, such as 'of,' as a unit, while longer words require decoding. The brain also stores common groups of words, such as 'in the,' as a whole phrase. Words or phrases the brain sees as whole units are called sight words or sight phrases. If something is missing or odd in one of these sight words or phrases, the brain compensates for the problem based on the context of surrounding letters or words.
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i think i know what you are getting it.. i read it and read it again and realized that my mind was playing a trick..
The The??
you can also read along the left and turn left to get the same 'A Bird in the Bush'..
cant find.
Visiting 4 the pust time
the only unique thing i find is the bird the lonely bird in the bush
Why didnt I see the 2nd "The" the first time, but after reading it a couple of times? hmm.....
:-)))) gud one... enna Dr. engala vachi edhuvum statistics edukureengala ?!
Adaengappa :-)
Interesting.!! Read it atleast a few times..before I realized it.!!
Brain..!! I am glad I have one physically.!! :)
nice defenation.
Wow, amazing. Until I read your update I didn't see it
Damn good! :)
what I noticed was something else. I thought all the words started with Uppercase letters.
The The - did nto find until I read your explanation.
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